Evenings at 8 pm at:
Centre Denne Road, Horsham, West
Sussex RH12
Licensed bar
Admission varies between £2 and £8 (discounted for
Under 21s get free admission to all events. |
The venue is The
Normandy Centre in Denne Road, Horsham RH12 1JF.
Click here
for a map of Horsham showing the Normandy Centre in
Denne Road.
Click here
for a map of the South East showing Horsham.
Detailed directions:
From London via M25 / A24
Turn off the M25 at J9 ( Chessington ) and follow the
A24 to Dorking
Take A24 to and through Dorking towards Horsham and Worthing.
About 18 miles from the M25, the last 4 of which are single
carriageway, there is a large roundabout (Great Daux Roundabout)
at the junction with the A264 to Crawley. Take the 2nd
exit (right turn), signposted A24 Worthing.
At the next roundabout turn left onto the B2237 sign posted
to Horsham. Follow this road straight through two sets
of traffic lights, and turn left at the T junction onto
Albion Way (the YMCA is on the left corner). Go straight
across the next roundabout, under the Royal Sun Alliance
building which spans the road, straight across the next
set of traffic lights keeping in the right hand lane and
follow the road round to the traffic lights at a T junction
with the A281- where the Job Centre is straight ahead.
From Job Centre
Drive towards Horsham town and in 30m turn left at the
mini roundabout into Denne Road.
From Denne Road
Drive past National Tyres on the left; the Normandy Centre
is about 400m further on the right just before a right
turn into Normandy and has a fairly narrow pair of stone
gate posts giving access into a generous parking area.
Turn off at J11 and turn right across the motorway onto
the A264 signposted to Horsham. Follow the A264 straight
across the first roundabout, left at the second, straight
across the third and at the fourth turn left onto the
B2195 sign posted to Horsham. Stay on the B2195 following
signs for Town Centre. After approx 2 miles you will pass
the railway station and then the Capitol cinema on your
left. Shortly after this you will approach a traffic light
T junction with the left hand lane sign posted Brighton
A281 and the right hand lanes sign posted to Guildford.
Take the left lane and turn left at the lights, and after
turning left immediately get into the right hand lane
as you will shortly arrive at a second T junction with
a Job Centre ahead of you. Follow From Job Centre directions
From Brighton
Take the A23 north to Bolney and turn left (west) onto
the A272 in the direction of Billingshurst and Petersfield.
Follow the A272 into Cowfold and there turn right (north)
on the A281 to Horsham. Follow this road right into Horsham
until you get to a set of traffic lights with a Job Centre
on your left. Go straight ahead and in 30m at the mini
roundabout turn left into Denne Road. Follow directions
From Denne Road above.
From Guildford A281
When approaching from the West on the A281 cross the
A24 at Broadbridge Heath and continue on the A281 into
Horsham. At a T-junction with traffic lights about one
mile after crossing the A24, turn left onto the Horsham
ring road. Go straight across a set of traffic lights,
across a small roundabout (local traffic), under the Sun
Alliance building and across another set of traffic lights,
then move to the right hand lane and follow the road round
to the traffic lights at a T-junction with the A281- where
the Job Centre is straight ahead. Follow From JobCentre
directions above.